# X-Callback-URL Protocol

iCost registers iCost:// and integrates with other applications through the X-Callback-URL protocol.

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# Add a Bill

# Add Expense/Income

  • Expense: iCost://expense?[action parameters]
  • Income: iCost://income?[action parameters]
Parameter Explanation Required Format
amount Amount 500, 35.9
currency Currency TWD, CNY (default is the base currency)
account Account name Alipay, WeChat Wallet (default is no account selected)
category Category name Dining, Transportation
book Book name Baby Book (default is [Default Book])
date Date Format: 2019.10.10
time Time Format: 12:00 (24-hour format)
claim Reimbursable or not 0/1 (default is 0, not reimbursable)
remark Remark Remarks (optional)
noBudget Exclude from budget Exclude from budget (default is included in the budget, i.e., value is 0)
noCount Exclude from income/expense Exclude from income/expense (default is included in income/expense, i.e., value is 0)
location Location Format: Location#longitude#latitude Example: Guangzhou, Tianhe District, Zhuji Road, No. 64#133.96119#44.53620
tag Tag Format: Tag1#Tag2 Example: Impulsive Spending#JD"
discount Discount Consumption discount, e.g., 0.5, 1

Expense Example:

Parameters need to be filled in according to personal situations. For example, 'WeChat Account', 'Baby Toys', etc.

iCost://expense?amount=3000&currency=CNY&account=WeChat Account&category=Baby Toys&book=Baby Book&date=2021.01.01&time=12:00&claim=1&remark=Toy Car

Income Example:

Parameters need to be filled in according to personal situations. For example, 'Alipay Account'

iCost://income?amount=100&currency=CNY&account=Alipay Account&category=Red Packet&book=Default Book&date=2021.01.01&time=12:00&remark=Red Packet Received

# Add a Transfer

iCost://transfer?[action parameters]

Parameter Explanation Required Format
amount Amount 500, 35.9
currency Currency TWD, CNY (default is the base currency)
from_account Transfer-out account name Alipay, WeChat Wallet
to_account Transfer-in account name Alipay, WeChat Wallet
book Book name Baby Book (default is [Default Book])
remark Remark Remarks
fee Handling fee Handling fee, e.g., 0.5, 1
discount Discount cost Discount cost, e.g., 0.5, 1
date Date Format: 2019.10.10
time Time Format: 12:00 (24-hour format)
noBudget Exclude from budget Exclude from budget (default is included in the budget, i.e., value is 0)
noCount Exclude from income/expense Exclude from income/expense (default is included in income/expense, i.e., value is 0)
location Location Format: Location#longitude#latitude Example: Guangzhou, Tianhe District, Zhuji Road, No. 64#133.96119#44.53620
tag Tag Format: Tag1#Tag2 Example: Impulsive Spending#JD"

Transfer Example:

Parameters need to be filled in according to personal situations. For example, 'Alipay Account' 'WeChat Account'

iCost://transfer?amount=100&currency=CNY&from_account=Alipay Account&to_account=WeChat Account&book=Default Book&remark=Transfer Red Packet to WeChat&fee=0.1&date=2021.01.01&time=12:00