# Quick Shortcut for Recording

# Custom Expense/Income Transaction
Supports iOS 16.1 and above.

Parameter | Required | Explanation | Format |
Amount | ✅ | Amount | 500 or 35.9 |
Currency | ❌ | Currency | TWD, CNY (default is the base currency) (uppercase currency symbol) |
Account | ❌ | Entry account name | Alipay, WeChat Wallet (consistent with the accounts in the app) |
Category | ✅ | Category name | Dining, Transportation (consistent with the category names in the app) |
Ledger | ❌ | Ledger name | Baby Ledger (default is the default ledger) (consistent with the ledger names in the app) |
Time | ❌ | Transaction time | Directly click to select "Current Date" |
Reimbursement | ❌ | Whether it can be reimbursed | Whether to mark as pending reimbursement (default is off, i.e., not reimbursable) |
Note | ❌ | Note | Note information |
Exclude from Budget | ❌ | Exclude from budget | Exclude from budget (default is included in the budget, i.e., off) |
Exclude from Cash Flow | ❌ | Exclude from cash flow | Exclude from cash flow (default is included in cash flow, i.e., off) |
Location | ❌ | Location | Click to search and input the location |
Tags | ❌ | Tags | Add new items, use multiple items for multiple tags |
# Custom Transfer Transaction
Supports iOS 16.1 and above.

Parameter | Required | Explanation | Format |
Amount | ✅ | Amount | 500 or 35.9 |
Time | ❌ | Transaction time | Directly click to select "Current Date" |
Note | ❌ | Note | Note information |
Ledger | ❌ | Ledger name | Baby Ledger (default is the default ledger) (consistent with the ledger names in the app) |
Currency | ❌ | Currency | TWD, CNY (default is the base currency) (uppercase currency symbol) |
From Account | ✅ | Debited account name | Alipay, WeChat Wallet (consistent with the accounts in the app) |
To Account | ✅ | Credited account name | Alipay, WeChat Wallet (consistent with the accounts in the app) |
Transaction Fee | ❌ | Transaction fee | Transfer transaction fee |
Discount | ❌ | Discount | Transfer transaction discount |
Location | ❌ | Location | Click to search and input the location |
Tags | ❌ | Tags | Add new items, use multiple items for multiple tags |